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When we decided to go down the social work path our common goal was to help people. We wanted to build relationships and be a part of a team that helped people live their best lives.

CCRI Residential Coordinators (RCs) get to do just that!

Here are our Top 5 Reasons to Join the CCRI RC Team


In addition to all the things RCs do with the people we support, RCs also lead the team of DSPs caring for the person. They help develop kind, caring professionals to better the lives of the people we support. It is rewarding to see them grow and learn both as a DSP and as some of them move into an RC role.

#4—Making dreams come true

For the people we support, making a dream come true often comes with a barrier. We are committed to removing those barriers. RCs have the opportunity to remove those barriers by researching various opportunities such as funding sources to make dreams come true. This can be something like developing a plan for how to get someone on an airplane successfully or helping them apply for assistance for a gym membership.

#3—The Team

RCs at CCRI collaborate with county and vocational case managers, behavioral specialists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, medical providers, etc. RCs get the opportunity to be part of this team working toward bettering the life of the person they are supporting and have the opportunity to learn about resources available to clients. It is a first hand look into what other professionals can do for people we support. In this role your eyes are open to so many resources and knowledge that different professions are able to offer.

#2—See Things Come Full Circle

Residential Coordinators create and monitor goals and outcomes. You get a first-hand experience with programming. You get to schedule client appointments and ensure the needed follow-up is completed. This can include working with OT, PT, speech, etc. to ensure needs are met. In this position you get to see things full circle which is so rewarding!

#1—The Caseload

The caseload at CCRI is 5-9 clients which is a lot smaller than many social workers and case managers have. At CCRI, you get to develop lasting and meaningful relationships with the clients on your caseload as well as with their families and professionals on their teams. The team collaboration is so fun to be a part of.

A social work degree is not required to be a Residential Coordinator. Click here for more information and to apply to join our RC team.