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At CCRI, our caregivers are working around the clock to make sure our community’s most vulnerable are safe.

Every day in our Supported Living Services program, 138 people with disabilities rely on caregivers 24 hours a day to assist them with their needs.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, caregivers worked and continue to work incredibly long hours carrying out their day-to-day tasks with the added responsibility of dispelling fears, anxiety and boredom.

Before the pandemic, CCRI had 600 employees. By December, the number dropped to 525 and today we sit around 500 employees. The reduction in work force because of the pandemic coupled with a labor shortage has hit our team hard. Today we find ourselves in a staffing crisis.

It is critical that we continue to provide uncompromising care to those who depend on us. To meet these needs we must maximize our most valued commodity, our caregivers. To do that, we must rely on technology.

Your gift will be used to incorporate electronic recording in our 24 hour homes. We want to utilize caregiver time for client care – not charting. E-charting will improve safety and save time.

The pandemic has required us to look at all roles through a different lens. We must adapt to support people who rely on us day in and out. Pandemic or no pandemic, keeping people safe is what we do.

With your help, our team can safely care for our community’s most vulnerable.

Join us for Spring Forward MN, a spring giving event from Give MN. SpringForwardMN will help organizations across Minnesota plan for what’s next during these increasingly hopeful times. You can support CCRI here: