At CCRI, we believe that every individual, regardless of ability or circumstance, deserves a fulfilling life and a place to call home. Through innovative living solutions, individualized mental health services, and a wide variety of social activities, we are enhancing and enriching the lives and learning of people with disabilities.
Who We Serve
CCRI currently supports more than 450 people, each with their own goals, interests, and needs. From 24-hour in-home support to rehabilitative mental health care, our services are as unique as each of the people we serve.
How It’s Possible

It’s only with you as our partner that we are able to provide lives filled with dignity, respect, and compassion. Join us!

Team Members
Our team is dedicated, engaged, and innovative, with a focus on solutions rather than barriers. Oh, and we have a lot of fun!

Event planning? Fundraising? Decorating? Your talents might be just what we need to further our mission.
Join Our Team
“Seeing the determination and the great attitudes of the staff and people supported at CCRI has made me think twice about what is truly important in my life. I knew CCRI was great before I became involved, but now I can say that I am proud to be a part of this amazing organization—helping them impact lives one day at a time.”
Angie, Volunteer
“I support CCRI because I believe in the necessity for taking care of all people. When someone is born with a disability or an accident or life event cause a disability they are not a lesser value to society. The work CCRI does to give their clients a home, healthcare, and hope gives meaning to taking care of all God’s children. I am happy to help out however I can.”
Julie Rokke, Former Board Member
“My family and I consider it a joyful choice to support the ongoing mission of CCRI. The people they support inspire with authenticity and a smile. The CCRI team inspires with caring and commitment. With a grateful heart, we are pleased to help keep CCRI moving forward.”
Steve and Sharon Miller, Volunteers
“We are so thankful that Jake found CCRI. There is never a problem too big for your wonderful organization. We will never forget when we first met with CCRI. We were told “We never give up on anybody.” You can’t know how much that meant to us. We know that is true. We’ve seen it with Jake and we see it again and again with the many times you have “thought outside the box” and made someone’s life better. THANK YOU!”
Doug & Jo Sorenson, Parents
“Jake has been at CCRI for 13years now. That’s almost a third of his life. Not once in those 13 years has Jake ever said “I don’t like. . .” about any of the staff. What better testimony to the quality of care could there possibly be? Jake talks about “my home” and “my staff”. He is comfortable at CCRI. That means the world to us.”